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Адресность ИПА, при работе с ПКП фирмы "Болид", обеспечивается подключением адресных меток С2000-АР2, С2000-АР8, при работе с ПКП фирмы "Рубеж" - подключением АКП-1-R3 |
About us
- Подробности
- Просмотров: 4411
Dear Sirs !!! Our organization is - the exclusive representative of ZAO PO Spetsavtomatika (Russia) the only enterprise in Russia, which has been developing and releasing such a wide range of technical tools for automatic systems of water and foam fire fighting and burglar and fire alarm systems (sprinklers, control units, modular fire pump installations, alarm devices and control etc.). The range of products (more than 1000 items) allows you to fully provide the consumer with all the necessary components for a complete base fire-extinguishing systems; |
- key dealer Wilo (Germany), which is a global leading premium provider of pumps and pump systems for Building Services, Water Management and Industry. The Wilo Group is on the path to becoming the digital pioneer in the sector;
- representative WEFLO VALVE CO., LTD (China) which specializes in the design and manufacture of valve and fire hydrant products for the world-wide fire protection, waterworks, HVAC and industrial markets;
- representative Hydrosta (South Korea) which is one of the world leaders in the field of water supply and heating. The company has been on the market for more than 15 years, its products make it possible to provide a complete set of the facility. The volume range of HYDROSTA offers bimetallic and aluminum radiators, boilers, as well as pipes, fittings, ball valves and spare parts for manufactured equipment.
- offers a wide selection of batteries of world brands and brands produced by the Republic of Belarus, Varla, Topla, Exide, Zap, Kursk battery, etc.
Thus, we are pleased to offer you a wide range of products:
1.Extinguishing agents (blowing agents to extinguish fires, blowing agents to extinguish fires of water-soluble flammable liquids by flowing from above, wetting agents)
2. Fire extinguishers (portable fire extinguishers, mobile fire extinguishers)
3. Fire cabinets, fire hydrants, fire safety valves
4. Technical means operating as part of fire automatics systems (fire detectors, manual fire detectors, uninterruptible power supplies of technical equipment of fire automatics systems, fire alarms, fire alarm control and control devices and other devices designed to expand the device’s functionality, warning devices individual firemen).
5. Technical means operating as part of automatic fire extinguishing installations (control units for automatic water and foam fire extinguishing installations, sprinkler and deluge alarm valves of automatic water and foam fire extinguishing systems, drain valves of automatic water and foam fire extinguishing installations, check valves of water and foam automatic fire extinguishing installations, valves, gates of water and foam fire automatic extinguishing installations, taps of water and foam fire automatic extinguishing installations, exhauster of water and foam fire extinguishing automatic installations, Accelerator of automatic water and foam fire extinguishing systems, pressure signaling devices and liquid flow signaling devices of automatic water and foam fire extinguishing systems, compensators of automatic water and foam fire fighting systems, delay chambers for water and foam fire extinguishing systems, automatic filters for water and foam fire extinguishing systems, sound hydraulic fire alarms, water and foam sprinkler and deluge sprinklers, dispensers for foam fire extinguishing systems, modules for automatic fire extinguishing systems, powder fire extinguishing machine modules, automatic fire extinguishing system modules, fire generators aerosol).
6. Fire equipment (connecting fire heads, fire hydrants, fire column, foam mixers, hose collectors, hose branches, fire hydraulics, suction fire nets, pressure fire hoses, equipment for maintenance of pressure fire hoses, manual fire trunks, fire monitors, fire engines foam)
Having extensive experience in the field of confirmation of compliance, we are ready to assist in organizing the receipt of necessary documents.
ПЕРСОНАЛЬНЫЕ МЕНЕДЖЕРЫ: Vel/Viber +375 (29) 372-78-13 - Александр |
ТЕХНИЧЕСКАЯ КОНСУЛЬТАЦИЯ: Vel/Viber +375 (29) 372-78-25 - Михаил Vel/Viber +375 (29) 372-78-78 - Виталий |